Dear Parent/Caregiver,

Your child has been identified as a close contact of an ESO/staff member with whom they work 1:1

An ESO 1:1 contact is a student who has worked individually with an ESO/staff member for more than 15mins, indoors, in close proximity and where face masks were not able to be worn. People with COVID-19 are considered infectious two days before their symptoms started or if they didn’t have any noticeable symptoms, they are considered infectious two days before they had their positive COVID-19 test taken.

Please monitor your child for any COVID-19 symptoms. If any symptoms develop (even mild symptoms) students and children must not attend school, preschool or childcare and must access a PCR test for COVID-19 and your child must isolate at home until you receive confirmation of a negative test and their symptoms have resolved, whichever is longer. If your child tests positive, they must remain isolated for 7 days and must follow SA Health instructions.

Additionally, for the next 7 days, your child is required to take a Rapid Antigen Test each morning to ‘test to stay’ at school. We will provide you with the test kit to enable this testing. To attend the school site your child must have received a negative result. If your child tests positive for COVID19, in addition to informing the school, they must isolate immediately, for a period of 7 days. You are also required to report your child’s positive result to SA Health within 24 hours of the test by using the SA Health online form at

Alternatively, if you don’t want your child to complete the 7 days of testing, they can quarantine for 7 days. During this time, where feasible, we will provide access to learning resources for your child. In addition to this, the Department for Education is developing online learning resources to be accessible to all students in Reception to Year 10 that can be self-served during any period of quarantine.

The Chief Public Health Officer has also suggested that to minimise risk to others, for the next 14 days ESO 1:1 contacts should consider:

  • Avoiding high risk settings or COVID Management Plan events
  • Wearing a surgical mask around others (where age appropriate) and outside your home
  • Avoiding contact with vulnerable people outside of your workplace or family, where possible
  • Avoiding non-essential activities where possible (e.g. where there are lots of people, inside, in close contact)
  • Avoiding shared spaces and maintaining physical distance.

Thank you for your understanding and support in implementing these measures which are in accordance with the SA Health advice.

Please remember to inform the College of any student absence via the Absentee SMS line or emailing

Please note we are unable to provide any further specifics due to privacy reasons. Please visit the SA Health website ( to stay up to date with the latest information on COVID-19.  

Kind regards

Joe Corbo