Go to Enrol My Mac.
Wait while the Company Portal installer .pkg file downloads. Open the installer when it is ready.
On the Introduction page, select Continue.
On the License page, read the Microsoft Application License Terms. Select Continue.
Select Agree to agree to the terms of the software license agreement.
On the Installation Type page, select Install.
Enter your device password or registered fingerprint. Then select Install Software.
Wait for Company Portal to finish installing.
Open the Company Portal app.
MDM Enrollent Instructions

Install Company Portal app
Enrol your Mac
Sign into the Company Portal app with your Gleeson College account.
On the Set-up access page, select Begin.
Review the privacy information. Then select Continue.
On the Install management profile page, select Download profile.
Your macOS system settings open in a new window. The management profile you just downloaded is shown.
Double click the profile to open it. Select Install...
When asked to confirm installation, select Install.
Enter your device password to allow the profile to enrol your device. Then select Enrol.
Wait while the management profile installs and then enrols your device.
Return to the Company Portal app and verify that there is a green checkmark next to Install management profile. When setup is complete, select Done. Your device is ready to use for School.
You can go to Devices in the Company Portal app to view and manage your enrolled Mac. Here you can also install some Apps provided by Gleeson College.
Login to OneDrive, Microsoft Office and SEQTA
Gleeson College Students get access to 1TB of Cloud Storage with OneDrive. Follow these steps to login to OneDrive
- Open the App Store and search for OneDrive and install it.
- Once installed, open the OneDrive app.
Type in your Gleeson Username and click Sign In, then your Gleeson Password and click Sign In
- Click Choose OneDrive Folder Location (your Home folder should be ok). Then click Next then OK
- Click Next, Next, Next, Later, Open OneDrive Folder.
- You’re all set!
Be sure to save all your school work into your OneDrive so that it’s backed up to the cloud.