- Launch the Settings app.
- Next, navigate to Accounts.
- Navigate to Access work or school.
- Select the Enroll only in device management link.
- Type in your Gleeson College email address.
- Your device will now find the Gleeson College MDM. You will be asked for your password and multi-factor authentication (if setup). You can see the enrolment progress on screen.
- After you've completed the above, your device is connected to Gleeson College MDM.
MDM Enrolment Instructions

Windows 10/11 Enrolment
Login to OneDrive, Microsoft Office and SEQTA
Gleeson College Students get access to 1TB of Cloud Storage with OneDrive. Follow these steps to login to OneDrive
- Click on the Start Menu and Type OneDrive, click on the OneDrive App
- Type in your Gleeson Email Address, then click Sign In, when asked, type in your Gleeson Password.
- Click Next, Continue, Next, Next, Next, Later and then Open my OneDrive folder.
- You’re all set!
Make sure to save all your school work into your OneDrive so that it’s backed up to the cloud.
Microsoft Office
Gleeson College Students get a free Microsoft Office 365 license while enrolled at the College. To sign into Microsoft Office follow the steps below:
- Click on the Start Menu and open Microsoft Word
- If prompted, sign into Word using your Gleeson Account.
If not, In the top right corner click on the Sign in button and sign in with your Gleeson College Account (if you are signed in with an account already the account name will appear here) - All done! Signing into 1 Microsoft Office application signs into all of them.
To login to SEQTA visit https://learn.gleeson.catholic.edu.au and login with your Gleeson Account.